Stories of bad lunches

Worst Lunch of the week #6 – series 1

Refreshing Spring Water on the Horizon

Its hard to know which spring this water came from but I would guess it is NOT going to be in the forest. Can I get a commitment here? PLEASE. IF YOU SEE WATER LIKE THAT somewhere in your office. PLEASE hide it in safe place and call poison control at 1-800-POISON so no one gets sick. This could be the end of the world. Share your work lunch with us and you can WIN a free lunch.

#Lunch #OfficeLunch #myBADLunch


Worst Lunch of the week #7 – series 1

Two lonely submarines that are being dipped…

I’m sure there are many navy generals jealous about a lunch like that. They could use it to practice their attack strategies, but there is a side effect. Judging by the color of the sauce it could be a pretty bloody battle. Be gentle dipping that…..Share your work lunch with us and you can WIN a free lunch.

#Lunch #OfficeLunch #myBADLunch


Worst Lunch of the week #8 – series 1

Your Office desk is a DANGEROUS place where Chikns can attack your arteries!

Plugged arteries are NOT covered by work compensation so please take it easy on these beautiful animals especially when you have them dressed in bread crumbs. There is still one unanswered question…. what was first… the CHICKEN OR THE EGG? Comment with your thoughts and create a group on social sites so we can finally get to the bottom of this.  Share your work lunch with us and you can WIN a free lunch.

#Lunch #OfficeLunch #myBADLunch


Worst Lunch of the week #9 – series 1

Tomato  bologna sandwich with more tomato  and …. did we mention … TOMATO ???  —

Let’s give all the tomato growers a break and eat less tomatos for a week. They need to go for a vacation because they deserve it! People just take tomatos for granted.  Share your work lunch with us and you can WIN free lunch.

#Lunch #OfficeLunch #myBADLunch

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